If the pandemic had a colour, it would definitely be blue. Combine that with winter’s long nights, messy roads and cold and the winter blues turn a whole new shade of blue. Many patients lament over missing their southern winter break this year, being stuck home with seemingly no end in sight to restrictions, lockdowns and having to self isolate even after crossing into a neighbouring province.

As a professional, I’m missing the interaction with colleagues at conferences and getting a bit weary of the many webinars and virtual meetings to attend instead. Although travel is not for everyone, for those of us that enjoy a break away, especially during the winter months when warmer climates beacon, it surely is sorely missed!

It has to be said that anyone living in Nova Scotia during these challenging times, can count themselves very fortunate. Our province has done an amazing job at managing the spread of the virus and there are few other places in the world that I’d rather be presently than right here. So, when life hands you lemons, then make lemonade!

In my practice, many patients are using this period of time to focus on self care. It seems like if you’re not traveling, you may as well take the time to catch up on reversing sun damage, get caught up on skin tightening treatment or work on trimming a few stubborn bulges here and there. Between me and nurse Aundrea, we see many patients for virtual consultations on Mondays that are ready to take the plunge.

Procedures that are well suited for winter time include all laser and light treatments like permanent hair reduction, photo-facials and laser for rosacea & acne as well as body sculpting with CoolSculpting & ThermiSmooth. Of course neuromodulators like Botox and filler treatments are done as needed throughout the year and especially popular right now.

As I like to mention to every new patient, my goal when assessing, planning treatment and with each and every treatment, is to achieve a natural result, helping each patient look rested and refreshed, the best version of them self and to look good for their age at any age. Despite what many may think, people who have been treated appropriately with Aesthetic Medical procedures will not look strange or fake, but it’ll look like they’re aging gracefully and just look amazing.

Just like any service of course, the quality of the outcome depends on the skill, knowledge and experience of the provider. It’s important for a medical provider to know when to intervene, when to say no and realize the limitations to any given procedure or product as part of the process. Because I love teaching, I also enjoy educating patients on procedures and how they work, what can be expected and also selecting the type of procedure appropriate to the particular need.

It’ll be great when things settle down to a more normal way of life and travel can resume safely and without the need for self isolation upon return. While wearing masks in airports and on planes will likely be required for a long time to come, be assured that under many of those masks will hide youthful, rested faces and a lovely skin complexion! While we all feel blue on occasion as we navigate the pandemic, it’s clear to me that many have resolved that they sure don’t have to look like it.